What is a business capability statement and why does your business need it?

Freelance Writer
3 min readJun 13, 2024


Business Capability Statement

In simple words, a Capability Statement is your Business Resume. Like your Resume, it highlights your Business’s strengths, capabilities, vision, mission, benefits, and value you offer to your customers.

A Capability Statement is a concise document, also called a credentials document, business profile, or corporate profile of your business’s core competencies. It is mainly used to inform your potential partners, prospects, stakeholders, and customers about who you are what you do, and how it can add value. A capability statement communicates what your product or company has to offer

A business Capability Statement is also used to secure government contracts and to build partnerships to grow your business to the max. It outlines your core competencies, past performance, and differentiators, and makes use of corporate data to build trust and brand loyalty.

Thus a Business Capability Statement is a must-have business tool for all sizes of the business or service providers. A professional and appealing Business Capability Statement has two parts: one is related to copywriting and the other pertains to designing to add graphics, brand logo, and tagline to maintain your business’s brand identity.

A capability statement should have the following information to effectively communicate your vision or business goals:

  • Brand logo
  • Brand tagline or slogan
  • Professional competencies
  • Past performance
  • Differentiators
  • Corporate data
  • Business culture
  • Business codes
  • Contact information

Remember, like your personal resume your Capability Statement is the first impression potential clients have of your business. Make it lasting and appealing that can differentiate from your competitors to make your real you!

In today’s digital world, do not underestimate the Capability Statement as just a document as it can play a key part of your brand’s story to take your business or services to the next level. You can use it as a branding and networking tool to share it on your website and use it to secure contracts or build partnerships with big companies.

Every business needs to stand out to make steady and sustainable growth. A professional and well-crafted Business Capability Statement can boost your reach and online presence to make a lasting impression on your prospects.

So, whether you’re a startup looking to stand out or an established business seeking to expand your reach, a well-crafted Capability Statement is your ticket to making a memorable first impression.

Let’s make use of every business tool to grow your business exponentially by sharing your Brand Story, core competencies, and value proposition you offer to your customers.

P.S. — — — If you want your business to make rapid and sustainable growth for ages then you have to give back a value bigger than every penny your customers give you to meet their expectations. Make sure to give them the value for their money. That is so simple.

I hope my words make sense and I must not have wasted your time!

Get in touch for a free review of your Business Capability Statement.



Freelance Writer

I'm a Certified Professional Resume writer and Admission Essay writer. I motivate people achieve their Career and Academic goals.