Successful Teaching.
Active and fruitful teaching requires sound knowledge of the subject and teaching methodologies. For the selection and application of a suitable teaching method understanding your pupil’s individual differences is crucial. A successful teacher should know various teaching strategies; if a particular strategy fails the teacher should be ingenious enough to resort to the suitable teaching method according to the demand of the situation.
Successful Teaching
Each classroom consists of a diverse and self-motivated environment bringing together students having multiple cultural backgrounds. All the students have got their own individual talents and potentials. However, their talents and abilities widely differ from each other. Due to their varying degree of skills, potential, and learning ability will be different for different learners. One of the cardinal reasons for this learning variation is their individual differences e.g., age, social and emotional intelligence, rate of cognitive and physical development, etc.
Whether you are a potential teacher, or newbie, or one with extensive teaching experience effective teaching is conditioned with the right selection of teaching modalities according to the individual differences of the learners. It is equally pertinent to highlight that the teachers who can inspire their pupils succeed remarkably.
Here are some proven teaching principles and modalities that work delightfully well.
- Classroom discipline, decorum, and learning environment are crucial for successful teaching and learning. Hence, maintenance of classroom decorum and learning is the foremost requisite for healthy learning. This is also known as behavioural management learning and teaching. Principally, it is a style of teaching that ensures the smooth conduct of classroom activities, lessons, or lectures. As a teacher one has to be fully familiar with the attitudes, behaviours, and psychology of the learner. Without classroom decorum, no one can possibly claim that one is teaching effectively. A teacher should be ingenious enough to cope with untoward behaviour or stimulus of the students.
- Proceed from easy to difficult. This psychological learning principle is as easy as a b c. Commence your lesson from easy to difficult concepts and developments. This will certainly curb the tendency of classroom monotony. Besides, this technique helps in connecting students’ train of thought.
- Proceed from the known to the unknown is yet proven another learning principle. The main difficulty in learning a new concept or theory occurs when students lost their train of thought. Hence, it is needful and advisable to proceed from known concepts to the unknown as a measure to not let learners’ train in thought loss. In simple, a teacher is expected to link the previous knowledge of the students with the new concepts or syllabus.
- Proceed from concrete to abstract. It would be imperative and beneficial to make your abstract and ambiguous concepts sound easy or comprehensible by linking them to concretes objects or with relevant examples from history or society.
- To ensure effective teaching a teacher ought to know and fully understand his or her pupils. A teacher should be familiar with their learning patterns and behaviour. Understand your students. Indeed, understanding between the students and the teachers is inevitable as it creates an environment of intimacy and connection between the two.
- Successful learning and teaching can only be ascertained through some sound mechanism of assessment or evaluation. In view, a teacher has to be familiar with the modern evaluation and assessment modalities or developments. For example, a teacher should use formative and summative evaluation tools meticulously.
- Metacognition is an innovative and constructive teaching and learning approach. Metacognition is a broader concept and is equally broader as regards its implications, utility, and scope. It is a process of “thinking upon one’s own thinking”. It is a system that enables one to reflect on one’s learning pros and cons, performance, attitude, behaviour, and faults. It is a psychological process that assists both the learner and the educator by resorting to its unique feature of the regulation of knowledge.
- Reinforcement learning can help succeed teachers in achieving their objectives. A teacher may strengthen and reinforce the learning by using a variety of methods such as drill, and recapitulation, and review at the end of class. The law of exercise and repetition definitely helps in learning.
- Being a teacher, I would suggest personalized teaching and learning techniques. It is a modern way of promoting learning through a sense of identification. It is all about building rapport, attachment, and self-respect for the learners. According to my experience initially, it would sound difficult to build rapport with the learner, however, with the passage of time you can build it. As soon as you build it there will be an enormous change in the learning attitude and behaviour of the students.
- Collaborative and cooperative learning has become an instrumental role to ensure and promote convenient and long-lasting learning. It’s an interactive and autonomous learning modality with great utility and scope. This learning pattern refers to when two or more learners or people join together to share ideas about some particular concept or theory. Thus, collaborative or cooperative learning is commonly exemplified when groups of students and learners or researchers join to strengthen their understanding of some idea or theory. Furthermore, it has an additional advantage it promotes social understanding and a spirit of cooperation. Social interaction is significant for the smooth learning and overall development of the students.
- Always resort to visualization and the use of audiovisual aids. It is a paradigm of learning in which learners prefer to use images, pictures, graphics, and videos. Visualization facilitates and strengthens learning. Human senses and observation has been an immediate source of learning since the inception of mankind. We learn and understand through our all senses, however, the sense of sight or visualization has lion share almost 90 % as regards convenient learning. In view, a teacher can ensure successful teaching by the application of the visualization method.
- Inquiry-based instruction has been very helpful for the pupils. This system of teaching and learning involves debate, discussion, and questioning on a specific topic or niche. It is equally pertinent to mention that it has been termed as an active learning system. Finally, it is an important and proven effective teaching method. A teacher can be successful by applying this teaching and learning modality.
To sum up, we may remark there might be even more techniques and hacks for successful teaching or learning. However, we as teachers should not forget that successful teaching is stipulated with your ability to understand the pupils and opt for the suitable teaching methodology with respect to the learners. Hence, one has to be familiar with educational psychology and individual differences.