Freelance Writer
9 min readApr 3, 2021

Successful Parenting


Good parenting is not a favour we bestow upon our descendants rather it is a moral and social obligation. It refers to meeting a child’s basic needs and nurturing. Indeed, it is a typical process of providing the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual needs of the child. Effective parenting is conditioned with a cordial relationship between parents and children. Hence, as a parent, we try to maintain good relationships and ought to acquire effective parenting skills. It is a well-defined and structured phase of the development of a child. It is psychological fact what a child sees and perceives moulds his or her personality. Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist who is famous for his child development theory. His theory propounds that the most effective period of nurturing spans between 2–7 years of a child. He termed this stage the “Preoperational Stage”. At this stage children begin to think symbolically, socially, learn to use words and language. At this stage of life, a child observes; imitates, and learns. Principally, manners formed at this juncture payback and escort a person till death. So, as parents, we have to be mindful of cognitive and social development theories or principles.

“Manners matter.”

Parenting involves the intricacies of raising and fostering offspring. Indeed, parenting is to inculcate positive and constructive habits in the children for promoting peace, prosperity, and justice in society. Parenting has more to do with the mental and behavioural training of our children than to cater to physical needs

Importance of Successful Parenting

Effective parenting is key to success both for parents and children. Good parenting exerts long-lasting impressions and brings concretizing results. It is emblematic of some shelter in some scorching desert. Effective parenting instils and promotes habits like credibility, honesty, empathy, willpower, ethics, sense of identification to name a few. Furthermore, good parenting provides a refuge from anxiety, antisocial behaviour, and drug abuse.

Good parenting is like a gardener. Just like a garden with fragrant flowers looks beautiful when it blossoms. Similarly, if parents learn how to tend their garden and are able to recognize their child’s personality and nourish it, then their ‘garden’ will become fragrant! This is what positive parenting is all about!

The significance of successful parenting is as follows:

  • Children with friendly and healthy relationships with their parents are more likely to develop positive relationships with others as well. They can maintain and enjoy secure connections and friendships with peers.
  • Effective parenting makes children emotionally intelligent and disciplined. Such children are better at regulating their emotions when faced with anxiety or great tasks. To be honest emotion management is essential for success and happiness.
  • An ideal or secure attachment with parents promotes a child’s cognitive, emotional, and social development. In turn, it ensures and promotes desirable social behaviour or attitude. Needless to say, attitude makes a big difference. Attitude counts and matters as far as regards success.
  • Parents healthy and timely involvement in their children’s daily life helps ensure perform better physically, socially, and academically. For this reason, parents are not supposed to be the guardian only rather they are teachers and leaders too.
  • Children with educated and skilled parents imbibe in themselves crucial productivity, habits, skills, and values. Inculcating good manners and life skills are essential to children’s success.

Effects of Bad Parenting on Children

Indubitably, bad parenting can have long-lasting adverse impacts on your child’s personality and development. Some of the effects are highlighted as follows:

· Unsociable Behaviors

If a child does not reckon how far his or her actions might affect other human beings, such a state of mind is termed antisocial tendencies. Severe indicators of such an attitude can be poor health, abusive language, myopic vision, mental issues, crime, etc. Bad patenting like domestic violence and drug abuse surely contribute to above named antisocial norms or tendencies.

  • Lack of Flexibility in Temperament

Bad patenting breeds mentally and emotionally disturbed children. Consequently, such malnourished descendants neither can attain success nor can become good citizens. The liability of maintaining the sound emotional and mental health of offspring rests on the parent’s healthy involvement. Parents should educate their children on emotional management by demonstrating sound ethical and moral behaviour or values. Bad parenting impedes emotional, mental, and physical development. This in turn breeds negative self-image, rigidity, and stagnancy among children.

  • Pessimism and Depression

Since parents’ attitude and manners can clearly be seen in their children. Hence, Pessimistic parents unwittingly impart negativity to their children. Pessimism leads to mediocre performance, anxiety, and depression. The cardinal factors of depression or pessimism are domestic violence and sexual abuse to name a few.


Aggression builds mainly due to emotional maladjustment and a poor relationship with their mothers. Negative parenting techniques like rough handling and expressing negative emotions towards the child during infancy will cause the child to have high levels of anger or aggression.

Lack of Empathy

If the child is treated with indifference at home or school, then chances are high that he/she will behave the same with others outside. Both society and environment mould human beings; hence provision of a conducive environment is parents’ liability.

Unsuccessful Relationships

Bad parenting poor relationships will be the outcome and subsequent consequences will be even more dreadful. Parents who do not help the child express their emotions in a healthy manner will find that their children are unable to maintain friendships or friendly relationships. Bad parenting also could cause the child to question the trust and develop low self-confidence.

  • Lack of Expression and Clarity

Bad parenting constructs a lack of expression among children. Moreover, it is equally pertinent to apprise children lagging behind in expression or communication have slim chances of success as compared to normal children. This drawback subsequently leads to a lack of clarity of goals and thought.

Suggestions for Good Parenting

  • Stop Comparing Your Child

An unnecessary and obnoxious mistake most of us make as parents is to compare our children. Stop comparing your child right now for the reason each child is gifted with different skills and strengths. If you repeatedly advise your child that he/she should be as good at studies as other children. It might be possible that Lord Almighty has not created your child for academic success instead he or she might be a born sports champion. Such examples can be multiplied. Comparing your child is a symbol of bad parenting. Hence, do not try to teach a pig to sing it will waste your time and annoy the pig. You ought to identify the passions and strengths of your child as a measure to safeguard his or her future.

“Do not ask a fish to climb up a tree.”

  • Avoid Reprimand

If your child does something wrong and you reprimand or scold him excessively for the mistake, it can have a negative influence on your child. This practice can have a worse effect if your child has displayed honesty and has confessed to making a mistake.

  • Avoid Domestic Violence & Sex Abuse

No other factor damages a child’s personality and development more than domestic violence. Domestic violence creates fear and a confused state of mind in the child. No passion robs the mind of its power of reasoning than fear. Therefore, do not let your children be subject to domestic violence and fear. The same is true about abusive language and sex abuse as regards pernicious effects on growth.

  • Reduce Gender Gap

The eradication of the gender gap between both boys and girls has to be zero. Gender distinction brings injustice and enmity among siblings and parents. It is neither desirable nor morally justified.

  • Avoid Disciplining the Child Overtly

It has been observed that parents often lose patience and scold, or even hit their child in front of others. At this juncture, parents must compose themselves and behave rationally. In case if you fail to compose yourself this will have a severe impact on your child’s confidence and life. It is an acknowledged fact that discipline is essential to ensure harmony and balance in life or growth. However, it is equally pertinent to highlight that strict or compulsive discipline is detrimental to emotional, mental, and physical growth. An apt example would be military discipline where there is no freedom of thought and speech. Discipline your child while ensuring freedom, harmony, and engagement. Do not treat your children like mercenaries under the pretext of discipline. Do not reprimand and discipline your child overtly as a measure to protect his or her self-image from being tarnished.

  • Be Pragmatic as Parents

Simply theoretical exhortation does not yield desired outcomes. You should need to educate or motivate children by positive reinforcement and engagement. If your child to acquire to particular habit then the better modality is to demonstrate and practice the same as an example for kids. For instance, if to develop a habit of charity you have to give alms and charity practically in front of your immediate descendants to strengthen their faith in charity. Therefore, it is advisable to demonstrate and be a pragmatic role model for your kids. The discrepancy in your words and deeds can create mistrust and muddle-headedness in children.

  • Treat Child with Affection

Love and affection is fundamental right and personal need of a child. Besides, it is an affection that develops confidence and strong relationships between the parents and children. Moreover, it has been observed children lacking parental affection are more likely to become subject to emotional maladjustment.

  • Ensure Guidance and Support

Children refer to innocent and immature beings, hence they need support and guidance, especially during stressful times like a performance at school, peer pressure, or examinations. Proper guidance and support ensure the safety and success of the children. You could be more concerned about your personal or professional projects, and this might leave your child feeling anxious. Dedicate special sessions for your kids’ guidance and orientation.

  • Be Proud Parents on Child’s Achievements

Parents ought to encourage and appreciate the trivial achievements of their children. Appreciation encourages, motivates, and enhances confidence. It would be harsh never to praise your child for his/her achievements and do not show pride in hard work. Avoiding a critical tone that shows disapproval of all your child’s actions will leave a negative mark on the child’s personality or development.

  • Respect Feelings of your Child

Respect the passions and feelings of your kids. A sense of self-respect creates a lofty and high self-image. Importantly, when opinions and feelings are ignored and not addressed in a positive manner, it could exert an adverse impact upon a child’s development.


To sum up, we may convincingly conclude that the importance of good parenting can neither be ignored, nor it can be ignored. It has serious repercussions regarding its advantages and fruits. We are not supposed to blame our kids for the not fulfilled liabilities at our end. Provision of good parenting is the parent’s moral, social and religious commitment. Parents ought to ensure good or effective parenting for society, upcoming generations and to develop our countries socially and economically. The above discussion speaks volumes about the importance and significance of good parenting.

Last but not least, successful parenting is vital for the happiness and success of both parents and children. It offers diverse and manifold benefits…. socially, morally, academically, and economically.

Freelance Writer
Freelance Writer

Written by Freelance Writer

I'm a Certified Professional Resume writer and Admission Essay writer. I motivate people achieve their Career and Academic goals.

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